Stop AusNet’s Towers Newsletter – October 2021

Sign the Petition

Review of Proposed Western Victoria Transmission Network

Stuart Grimley MP (Member for Western Victoria) is sponsoring this petition and will table it in Parliament when it closes on 17 November 2021. Currently there are 788 signatures and many more are needed to make our voices heard! Please sign the ePetition and share far and wide!

To sign this ePetition, click here, scroll to the ‘Click here to sign‘ link, then simply enter your name, email and address.

The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the Victorians who will be negatively impacted by the proposed Western Victoria Transmission Network. Our highly productive and rich volcanic soil, invaluable irrigation farmland, unique historic landscapes and natural mineral springs must be protected and preserved.

We object to the current proposed corridor and terminal station site. Using appropriate underground technology along alternative routes such as existing roads or easements would be a more logical decision. It would have a far more positive impact on future generations and ensure our vital food security is neither compromised nor threatened.

The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council call on the Government to work with the Australian Energy Market Operator and review the proposed Western Victoria Transmission Network and seriously look at all alternate options and technologies for a better outcome for all Victorians.

Why sign this petition?
In Victoria, for petitions to be tabled in Parliament, they need to be sponsored by a member of the Legislative Council. That means this petition is going to be heard in Parliament, unlike some of the ones running on platforms like

Please sign now, it only takes a few minutes but will add weight to our call to action.

Big Deal : ABC Documentary

Bringing to your attention a timely 2-part documentary called “Big Deal” that screened on ABC free TV and iview Tuesday 19 October, 8:30pm.

Big Deal : ABC iview (click to watch now)

The documentary explores darker sides of politics, casting shadows over many key issues facing our community and the Nation at large. But there is a lot of hope that bursts through; the documentary shares examples of community groups that have succeeded against huge odds. Perhaps the most relevant to our fight against AEMO/ AusNet/ Mondo is a case study about a gas company in NSW that had NO social licence, none whatsoever, that tried to steam roll property owners. The community had the coal-seam-gas project fully overturned.

A ‘lack of a social licence’ really sounds familiar. Even the CEO of AEMO has acknowledged this in public (see “Complex web of issues:” AEMO chief warns social licence crucial to 100 pct renewables | RenewEconomy). It is important to note the CEO declared, in the same breath, he wants the network up and running by 2025. Reading between the lines, that either means AEMO is going to listen-to-promptly-and-radically-change-the-Project, or listen to-get-their-way.

Have a good watch, and take notes. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on what more we can do to be heard, hearkened, and reckoned with.

Big Deal : ABC iview (click to watch now)

Land Access

Land Access Assistance and Guidance

What is happening?

As a part of the approvals process for the Western Victoria Transmission Network Project (WVTNP), AusNet has been directed by the Minister for Planning to complete an Environmental Effects Statement (EES).  This process requires AusNet to complete approximately 21 areas of investigation which will be documented into reports that detail existing conditions, and then explain how these existing conditions may be affected by the construction of the WVTNP and what mitigations are proposed to minimise those impacts. Matters under consideration for the EES include visual amenity, agricultural practices, native flora and fauna, water and hydrology, geotechnical details, cultural heritage, bushfires and many more.

It is normal and necessary for any party undertaking an EES to access land proposed to be affected by the project to conduct surveys and investigations to inform the required reports.

Membership, Fundraising and Volunteers

Membership, Fundraising and Volunteers

If you have not yet become a member of the Stop AusNet Towers campaign, please sign up on our member’s page.

We rely on the generosity of many volunteers to keep the fight going however we also require expert legal, technical and campaign professionals to provide guidance and direction. In order to continue this support, your donations are always welcome, please see our donations page.

If you would like to volunteer, we are looking for someone to assist in coordinating our fundraising efforts, if you are a good organizer and communicator and feel you have a few hours a week to assist please get in touch with us at

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