November 30th, 2023 7:30pm
Meeting to be held via Video Conference
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the MCHPA/RVPA members will be held at 7:30pm (AEST) on Thursday, 30 November 2023, via video conference (zoom).
Join the online meeting via Zoom by clicking the link below at 7:25pm
AGM Agenda
Ordinary Business
- To receive and confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Thursday March 23 2023.
- To receive and consider the Annual Report of the Association on the activities of the Association Financial Year ended 30 June 2023.
- To receive, consider and adopt the Annual Report and Financial Statements of the Association for the Financial Year ended 30 June 2023.
Special Business
- Call for nominations for Ordinary members of the Committee.
- Resolution
That MCHPA Rules Part 1.2
“Purposes” be deleted and replaced with the following:
The Alliance is a community led incorporated association bringing together affected communities, organisations, businesses and individuals who believe that new infrastructure used to transport high voltage electricity must be undertaken in a least impactful manner. Under the Regional Victoria Power Alliance (RVPA) banner we advocate on behalf of our members and the environment along the proposed Western Renewables Link and VNI West corridors to demand that these projects be reassessed using a comprehensive triple bottom line process to justify their need and understand their impacts, and if proceeded with thereafter, that they are undertaken in a way that delivers minimal impacts and risk.
Given the inclusion of the VNI West impacted landowners, businesses and communities in our fight with the State Government, AEMO, and Ausnet the Moorabool and Central Highlands Power Alliance Inc. (MCHPA) proposes to amend its rules. To amend the MCHPA Own Rules we will be taking a resolution to our members at the upcoming General Meeting.
The proposed amended Purpose is what was put by the MCHPA to the attendees (key representatives of communities affected by the WRL and VNI West projects) at a meeting held in Maryborough on 16 May 2023. It was also at this meeting that the more inclusive trading name of the Regional Victoria Power Alliance (RVPA) was agreed to and established. Subsequently the amended Purpose has been on the Stop Labor’s Towers website since it was relaunched.
For Reference, the Existing Clause from the MCHPA Rules is as follows:
The purpose of the association is to represent all communities along the proposed Western Victorian Transmission Network Project corridor to ensure, regardless of how the project need is finally resolved, that it is built to deliver minimal adverse impacts on these communities during both construction and operation phases.